What to Do to Prevent In-Home Falls

December 16, 2021

What to Do to Prevent In-Home Falls- AFC Urgent Care

Falling at home may sound difficult to do, but it’s entirely possible and quite common. More than out of four people aged 65 and over fall each year, and many falls result in serious injuries.

To protect yourself from potential injury, there are many things you can do to make your home fall-proof! Our AFC Urgent Care Knoxville team provides some helpful fall prevention tips below, so keep reading.

  • Here’s what to do: Remove any and all potential hazards. Fall hazards can come in many forms, but they most often come in the form of a stray wire, boxes or loose newspaper.
  • What to do next: Stay active. Exercises that increase strength and balance are some of the best things you can do. However, even if you don’t want to exercise all the time, some activity is better than none. The secret is doing enough to avoid maintaining a sedentary lifestyle.
  • What to do after: Wear footwear that has some grip. Slippery socks and slippers can cause falls, so consider wearing shoes or socks with rubber grips on the bottom to reduce your fall risk.
  • Another tip: Improve lighting. A dimly lit home increases the chances of tripping and falling. Keeping the home too bright is also a problem because it may create a glare. A good rule of thumb is to keep the home well-lit but not overly lit.
  • Something else to keep in mind: Make the bathroom safer. Many falls happen due to slippery surfaces, and the bathroom is often the most slippery room in the home. To help, do things like adding non-slip mats in the bathtub and shower and installing grab bars by the toilet and the tub.
  • A healthy habit that helps: Getting enough sleep. When you get a recommended seven to nine hours of sleep each night, you are less likely to fall.
  • Action steps to take: The older you get, the more likely you are to fall. As you get into senior years, talk with your doctor about your fall risk.
  • Doctor recommendations: If the unfortunate happens and a fall occurs, visit our AFC center for an X-ray. X-rays are effective in correctly diagnosing injuries and broken bones, which is the most common injury sustained during in-home falls.

Our AFC Urgent Care Knoxville team is here to help you if you fall! Don’t hesitate to stop by today for the non-emergency care you need.

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